Therapeutic Horsemanship Grants
The International Horsemanship Foundation provides grants to nonprofit therapeutic horsemanship centers.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the application period for Therapeutic Grant Applications is being postponed. Be sure you are signed up for our newsletter to be notified of the new application period.
Some examples of the types of grants we provide:
- Relationship-Based Horsemanship training equipment and materials
- Funding and/or Relationship-Based Horsemanship instructors to train your staff and volunteers in Relationship-Based Horsemanship
- Certification of staff members or volunteers by Relationship-Based Horsemanship professionals
- Public outreach through Relationship-Based Horsemanship education
- Educating the public about issues related to therapeutic horsemanship
Grants may be given for any combination of the above and will be considered for other related activities.
The IHF is presently only licensed to conduct business in the United States. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide grants for organizations outside the United States.
To be considered for a grant, an organization must meet the following minimum qualifications:
- The grantee organization must be a non-profit 501c3 organization.
- The grant requested must fall within our mission as described above.
- The grant application must be properly filled out and received on or before the advertised deadline.
- Applicants must commit to natural horsemanship.
All grant applications are considered for funding by a committee selected by the Foundation, and without knowledge of the identity of the applicant.
Steps in the Grant Process
- Be sure you meet the qualifications described above.
- Start an application using the button at the bottom of this page. (Application available only during dates listed above).
- Answer all questions completely and provide all requested attachments.
- Submit your application by the deadline shown below.
- If your application is approved, you will receive a notification letter from the International Horsemanship Foundation indicating the grant amount and an agreement to sign and return. Note that the grant amount approved may not be the full grant amount requested.
- Upon receipt of your signed agreement, the International Horsemanship Foundation will issue a check for the amount of your grant.
- During the term of your grant you must comply with all reporting requirements and other terms of your grant agreement. Reporting is required twice per year. For more information on reporting requirements, see our reporting form at the tab on the left.
- Any remaining balance left over after the purpose of your grant is completed, must be returned to the International Horsemanship Foundation.
Return here for a link to the application during the application period described above.
Horses Helping Heroes
The International Horsemanship Foundation’s Heroes and Horsemanship initiative is a grant program supporting non-profit therapeutic organizations serving veterans, active members of the military, first responders and their families, or as we like to call them, heroes helping heroes.
The International Horsemanship Foundation has a mission to help those who protect our country by extending their access to horses and Relationship-Based Horsemanship education. It is well established that Equine-Assisted Therapy (EAT) has been helpful to many veterans and first responders as they deal with the extreme conditions associated with armed conflict and their careers. These American heroes should have the opportunity to heal and cope through EAT. The International Horsemanship Foundation is stepping up to fill this need.
The heroes and horses grant cycle is the same as the regular Therapeutic Horsemanship grant cycle.
Grants support the innovative and industrious ways to pair veterans, active military, first responders and/or their family members with horses using Relationship-Based Horsemanship methods. Grants will assist recipient organizations reach their full potential in helping these individuals through their proposed projects, which can include things like:
- Funding to train your staff and volunteers in Relationship-Based Horsemanship
- Providing therapeutic horsemanship opportunities for free or lower cost to veterans, active military, first responders and/or their family members
- Extending veterans’ access to equine therapy when Veterans Affairs funding has run out
- Certification of staff members or volunteers by Relationship-Based Horsemanship organizations
- Public outreach through Relationship-Based Horsemanship education